Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Ring Two

J. and I were just discussing Naomi Watts' merits on our walk home from dinner, but this is not about her. Having more thoughts about the old ring. You always hear about guys having trouble getting used to the ring once they're married. No girl ever seems to complain about it. It's been very strange for me. I've never worn rings. Now, as gorgeous as it may be, this thing is stuck on my hand for the rest of my life. My hands swell at night - I get warm while I sleep - and when I wake up the ring is tight. During the day, my hands are always cold; the ring feels loose. It gets turned around. It's hard to put my left hand in pants pocket. What's going to happen this winter when I wear mittens? But I know it will make J. sad if I take it off, even for a little while. Actually, shortly after we were engaged, J. went away for work for a few days. I took the ring off while I slept and when I went running. It felt devious. I told J. about it when he got back, and as expected, he was pretty sad about it. Which is pretty endearing.


Blogger hannah said...

the thing is definitely not coming off in the bed. last night i woke with a very painful dent where it had been digging into my finger. i have this more absurd fear that the diamond is going to pop out of the setting when i'm walking down the street.

7:39 AM  

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