Saturday, February 04, 2006

MS Weddings - I

The new Martha Stewart wedding issue is on stands! I'm sure it's been out for a while now, but I just bought it. When j. came home from school the other night, I was reading MS Weddings, eating a pint of ice cream, and watching Project Runway. He laughed at me, but I thought to myself, when j. came to sit with me, I couldn't be happier.

In the Good Things section, my favorite, Martha tells you how to make your own stationery using an embosser. It LOOKS easy, but I feel this could turn into one my projects where I buy all the materials, make one thing, then find it tedious and too involved and leave everything sitting on a shelf for years and years until j. gets fed up and throws it out because he's sick of moving it from apartment to apartment and who can blame him.

That's as far as I've made it, but I'm hoping she has some good cupcake decorating ideas.


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