Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Interview

My friend K. came down from Boston last night to interview j. and I for a art piece she is working on. I can't say I truly understood what we were getting into before she arrived, but I had offered up our services simply because she's a good friend and I would do anything to help her, in her career or otherwise. Plus, I think she's an incredibly talented artist.

Turned out the interview - video-taped - was not so painful. The point of K.'s piece (I think) is to comment on modern-day weddings and how family dynamics are played out in the context of ceremony. How are tensions eased or magnified in certain situations, how do the organizers anticipate these, or not, etc. K. asked j. and I all about our wedding plans and engagement history. Turns out we're pretty boring. Our families get along, both with each other and within themselves. We like each other's friends. At the end of the interview we were searching for some tensions to make K.'s ultimate video more interesting. I think j. even tried to take a jab at my mother, but even he knew that was pointless. My mom has been amazing; I even sent her a thank you email the other day for being so calm and helpful and indulgent.

So we turned the camera off and got ready to go to dinner and then j. remembered that I had had a meltdown, my only one so far. So we turned the camera back on and I explained my meltdown, which mostly had to do with my having been sort of drunk and uninformed. Again, not that interesting.

So while K. didn't get much out of the whole thing, j. and I realized (once again) how good we have it.


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