Monday, October 31, 2005

Dress Shopping II: Um, Found It?

B. the fashion designer friend accompanied me to Adrienne's on Saturday evening. B. was the one who discovered the vintage lace dress hanging in the window that was so stunning and seemed so perfect for me. I arrived promptly at 5 (after missing my stop on the subway due Cloud Atlas and forgetting that I was not getting off at 23rd St to go to work) to a near empty store. There were just the two sales ladies who let me wander the small store and decide which dresses I wanted to bring in the dressing room with me. Another bride showed up shortly after. I was concentrating on the "small" dresses - i.e. not pouffy, while she focused on the more elaborate dresses. What a nice pairing we made.

When I was ready to start trying on, B. was still no where to be found, so instead of starting with the coveted vintage lace dress, I went with a simple lace strapless. It was so light and airy, it felt marvelous. It hung straight to the ground, no tulle underneath, no nothing. Oh glorious. We tied on a pale blue sash for effect. I loved it. B. showed up and loved it. She settled in the velvety day bed chair thing while I made my way through my stash.

I finally got to the dress from the window and surprise, surprise it didn't really work on me. It had an unbelievable keyhole opening in the back that went from the neck to the waist that I loved loved loved. The lace was amazing. And I the dress looked good from the waist down, but there was something wrong with the top - and not just because it was ten sizes too large for me. B. and the sales lady kept telling me it was too much dress for me. I was too small. Whatever that means. It just didn't look right. I was disappointed, but at least I had the first dress to fall back on.

Then I tried on this dress that we had seen another girl trying on when we had stopped in the week before. I had loved it on this other girl and when I tried it on I loved it on me. B. told me afterwards that when she saw me in it she got flutters in her stomach. It was the first dress that felt really really right. It's a textured silk that manages to give me curves in all the right places, where I don't normally have curves. It's Audrey Hepburn looking while still seeming modern. It's just lovely.

So I have an appointment at Nicole Miller I'm going to keep this weekend just to see, but I think I'll probably be stopping in at Adrienne's afterwards.


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