Thursday, October 13, 2005

One Week and One Day to the Dresses

So apparently I have to stand around in my underwear with my mother, my sister-in-law, and a complete stranger while this whole dress-trying-on business takes place? I should be dieting right now, let alone for the wedding itself. I'm perfectly happy with my body in the privacy of my own home. I feel a little weird waiting around all naked while this stranger brings in dresses I'm probably going to detest. How can I be sure there isn't something better out there? How can I put my trust into this woman? So one week and one day to go and I'm nervous.


Blogger Karen said...

The right dress is like the right man--you know when you see them. What's better, after the wedding, you get to put the dress in the closet.

7:52 AM  

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